This one is probably my favorite Ladder necklace out of them all! I only have two!!
This gorgeous Ladder Necklace is made from raw Matte Tigers Eye, Dominican Republic Blue Larimar stone, Tibetan carved wooden bead, African Brass, faceted Brass and raw Brass paperclip chain. OBSESSED!!! Hippie heaven.
Tiger's Eye is a crystal with beautiful bands of yellow-golden color throughout. This is a powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance. It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.
Larimar is said to enlighten and heal in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way. It stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It represents peace and clarity, radiating healing and love energy.